Sunday, January 27, 2008

Big Family Day

Yesterday I tried to make sure that we did something as a family. I am not sure if I did a good job but we did spend a lot of time together. First Jana and I needed to get our eyes checked so the kids ran to Target. We found out that Jana needed reading glasses and I need glasses for distance (yuk). Then we moved to the mall to order my new glasses and Jana decided to get some plan reading glasses but again she avoided getting them.

We did a little mall walking and then ate at Chili's. After more mall walking Lacy met up with her friends and ditched us. We decided to go and try to find a place to go and find some dessert but no luck. As we drove by Strikz (bowling alley) we thought we would go bowling but a 2 1/2 hour wait changed our mind.

So the last thing we did was stop at the new Mardells store and picked up a few items.

The kids picked out a couple of Webkinz and then when we got home they all played on the computer to play with their Webkinz. The biggest kid was Jana and cash cow. If you don't know what Webkinz are go and check them out - www.

That was our Saturday. I am not sure if this is something that I can keep up with but I have been reading Jenny Simmons' (Chisolm) blog and it seems to be a great idea.

Let me know what you think.